Benefits of biocomposites planters

Benefits of biocomposites planters
Planters made with biocomposites that use recycled binders and crop-waste are a great way to decorate your home and garden while still making sustainable and earth-friendly choices! Here are some benefits of using them:
1. Prevent pollution from crop-burning
Biocomposites are made from crop-waste that are usually burnt resulting in green house gas emissions. By using crop-waste in the planters, we prevent crop burning and lock the biogenic carbon present in crop-waste in the planters as long as they are in use resulting in reduced carbon footprint.
2. Conserve fossil resources
Plastics are increasingly being used for making planters due to their great utility. Biocomposites used in moulding the planters are made with recycled plastics and crop-waste. As a result, these planters prevent the use of virgin plastics, while offering similar benefits as plastics.
3. You’ll be supporting circularity
Circularity is achieved when you create new items from renewable, repurposed and recycled materials, and are an extremely important part of sustainability practices. This will reduce reliance on virgin materials and allows more use of reclaimed materials instead.
4. They are lightweight
As any avid gardener would tell you, you need to be able to move plants around in order to ensure your plants remain healthy! Things like harsh weather conditions and excessive sun exposure can wreak havoc on plants, and using a lightweight biocomposite planter will make it that much easier to transfer your plants from one place to another.
5. They are versatile and diverse
Biocomposites can be moulded into different shapes and profiles. Complex shapes and sizes are not possible to achieve with traditional materials such as clay and ceramic. With biocomposites, there is no limit on product design imagination.
6. They are durable
Biocomposite planters are made for longevity, allowing you to use (and re-use) them for years with very little maintenance required. Biocomposites are also a strong material that isn’t prone to breaking or shattering like ceramics or terracotta.
7. They are easy to clean
Biocomposite planters are super easy to clean and disinfect, which is really important if you plan on reusing these pots for your garden. They won’t require any extra care to look good – in fact, our biocomposite planters look brand new for years to come, despite direct sunlight and frequent watering!
8. Less plastics will end up in landfills!
Diverting plastics from landfills is one of the best ways to ensure less pollution to our land and waterways. Every time you opt for a product made with biocomposites from reclaimed plastic, it’s one less plastic product that ends up in a landfill, so imagine how much of an impact it can make if we all do it?
9. A better option for now and our future
Recycling our biocomposite planters and choosing to use planters made with biocomposites from reclaimed plastic and crop-residue are two excellent ways to reduce plastic waste in our landfills, reduce carbon footprint and conserve previous fossil resources. With the abundance of designs and finishes when it comes to biocomposite planters, it is a great aesthetic choice too!