Eco Revolution: The Rice Husk Mug That’s Most Sustainable

Eco Revolution: The Rice Husk Mug That's Most Sustainable
So you got this new mug. Purchase online, or gifted by your friend or a dear family member? Made from rice husks or something? You must be just scrolling online exploring to know more about what this is all about.
Here are some stuff you may want to know about it:
– they are pretty tough (drop it to check it for yourself 😅)
– Can go in the microwave (only for reheat tho’)
– Dishwasher safe (safe for top-rack dishwashing)
– Supposed to break down someday? Not really.. they are built to last and they can be recycled after extensive use.
The most important thing is, you should actually feel kinda good using it? ‘cos you are definitely doing something better to protect the planet. Also, you are preventing farmers and rice mills from burning rice husks.
This may not change your life entirely. But maybe you’ll feel less bad about your coffee habit? And I am sure it’s fun to watch people’s faces when you tell them what it’s made of.
If you wanna try more:
– Check online and do your research. There is a bunch of options available.
– Start with the kind of mug you use everyday – simple utility
– Get a set if you’re feeling fancy and would like to share with your partner or sibling at home
– Gift someone you love and you are sure to impress them
– Learn to read the fine lines – where they are made from, how much of rice husk content is in the mug to avoid getting green washed
These rice husk mugs may not be perfect for your every need. But, it surely is like a little good thing you can do to contribute for a greener planet.
Anyway, that’s the rice husk mug information that you may be looking for.
Looking for Rice Husk Mug?
Visit eha’s range of earth friendly mugs to choose from products made with biocomposite materials using crop-waste such as rice husk, bamboo fibers and coffee husk.
If you are looking at developing new range of eco-friendly mugs from rice husk, speak to experts at Mynusco.