Are ultra soft bristles suitable for Everyone?

Are ultra-soft bristles suitable for everyone?
You would have come across toothbrushes with ultrasoft / extra-soft bristles while shopping, often sold at higher than the other brushes with soft and medium bristles. The labels on these toothbrush packages usually make you believe that they offer better brushing experience and efficacy. Are these brushes with ultra-soft bristles suitable for everyone? – here is our answer.
Toothbrushes during the ancient days were in the form of twigs from neem tree bark. They were chewed to extract the fibers of the bark and cleanse the surfaces of tooth. Today toothbrushes have come a long way from these twigs to many types of toothbrushes with variety of designs and bristles. The bristle varieties may be ultrasoft, soft to medium and then hard. Each bristle type has its own pros & cons and their own indications & contraindications.
Earlier ultrasoft bristles were less common and were primarily available at drug stores only. These days they have become more popular as an over-the-counter product, found in almost every store around the corner. They are also marketed as superior quality products with higher than usual price getting everyone’s attention.
The ultrasoft brushes have bristles with diameter varying between 0.1 to 0.15 mm. They are too gentle while brushing and hence not effective for everyone. An ultrasoft toothbrush is helpful for people having gum disease, gingivitis, periodontitis, bleeding gums, receding gums and post-operative gum surgery because all these conditions have a gentle gum. An ultrasoft toothbrush may be right for you if you have sensitive gums or oral health issues that require a gentler touch. If you are dealing with these issues, consult your dentist for brushing technique to get the most of ultrasoft toothbrush.
For all general purpose, everyday brushing needs dentists recommend soft or medium brushes. The ultrasoft brushes also wear out sooner than the soft and medium brushes, and hence they are less suitable for consumers in developing and emerging countries such as India where they tend to change toothbrushes less frequently than the developed countries.
At eha, we decided to start with densely populated, soft bristles that removes the plaque effectively. We did this after conducting a detailed survey, which reconfirmed findings of various studies conducted around the world that soft bristles are best suited for everyday needs. We plan to introduce other types of bristles in the future to support unique needs of people that can be used upon consultation with dentists.